Sankranti release HanuMan has become a runaway hit at the box office, outperforming Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram and grossing over Rs 230 crore worldwide. Director Prashanth Varma, who earlier made Awe, Zombie Reddy, and Adbhutham, in a recent interview with Sidhath Kannan claimed that there were many instances during the shooting of HanuMan when the lead actors had a brush with death. The director credited Lord Hanuman for protecting them.

When asked if he ever felt that there was a supernatural presence during the making of the film, Prashanth Varma said that even before HanuMan’s pre-production, he could sense something. He claimed that many random people walked up to him and told him to visit Hanuman temples and read shlokas. However, only after the release of the teaser, he realised that he was being guided by the Hindu deity. “Initially, I thought everyone was praising it for my technical brilliance, but one person told me ‘Do you think you are doing it all? No, it was him.’ Only then I realised and connected all the dots.”

Also read – Hanu Man director Prasanth Varma says he ‘used to hate Rajamouli’ because RRR filmmaker denied his repeated requests to assist him

He continued, “There were many accidents that we missed… many accidents. Teja would have died. The heroine would have died. There was a snake… if you remember the film, there was a sequence where Teja jumped away from a tiger and hid behind a rock. If it had bitten him, he would have died. But nothing of that sort happened. We were shooting there for 10 to 15 minutes, and nobody realised it was there. It was black. We call it ‘nallatraju’ (cobra) in Telugu. It was very poisonous. We all realised it was there. We froze and Teja didn’t move. It slowly went away. We continued shooting.”

He added, “There were many such incidents like that where Teja escaped in the last moment. So, I think… in the credits it is written I directed the movie, but I think Hanuman Ji was the real director of the film.”

HanuMan has collected over Rs 230 crore in 13 days, according to reports. Starring Teja Sajja, Amirtha Iyer, Vinay Rai, Vennela Kishore, and Raj Deepak Shetty, the film follows the story of a petty thief named Hanumanth, who ends up getting supernatural power after coming in contact with a mysterious gem. Prashanth Varma has revealed that there will be sequels to the story and he intends to make a franchise out of the film.

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