Last year, Adah Sharma was spotted outside late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s apartment, where he lived before passing away in 2020. Following the visit, The Kerala Story actor was repeatedly asked whether she was considering a purchase. The actor has now said she would like to discuss it when the right time comes.

In an interview with Siddharth Kanan, when asked if she is going to buy the apartment, Adah said, “For now I would just like to say that I live in everyone’s hearts. There is a right time to speak. When I had gone to see the place, I got overwhelmed with the media attention. I am a private person. I love being in the public eye for my movies but I have always been private. I guard my privacy.”

Adah Sharma also shared that she was upset about certain comments she read about Sushant Singh Rajput when the news of his apartment being sold surfaced online.

“I also thought that it’s wrong to talk about someone who is not in this world, who has done such beautiful films. I don’t stand for that. He is an actor who I have great respect for so I would like to put everything where he has his respect,” said Adah, who was recently seen in Bastar: The Naxal Story.

The actor added, “I don’t like people loosely commenting…I didn’t like it. I read some comments about him. I mean, you can troll me but don’t troll someone who is not there or doesn’t have someone to speak about them. I will speak about where I live materialistically soon, but right now I am living in the hearts of millions of people, rent-free.”

Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide on June 14, 2020.

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