Taapsee Pannu has opened up about her nascent years in Bollywood where she chose to disregard the advice and took the hard route to success. The actor opened up about not being seen at Bollywood parties and events days after the big Ambani bash in Jamnagar. When asked about her absence at such events, she spoke about her early years in the industry, “I was told to send messages to the biggies so they would invite me to their birthday parties. I can’t do that as this just isn’t me. I also can’t stay up after 10 pm as I get up really early in the morning. I don’t drink or smoke; so I don’t know what to do there. I party with my friends where I dance and eat a lot. I can’t party with people whom I don’t know well; main kya baat karungi (what will I talk about). People know I won’t come so they don’t call me as well. However, it doesn’t mean I won’t get any work if I don’t party.”

Having said that, Taapsee accepted that appearance at parties means access to Bollywood camps. “This is also a way to get access into the camps. But the process of partying after 10 pm is so draining to me; it is not me. I would rather choose the harder way, do a lot of work. I don’t have the liberty to do bad work because one bad film will cost me a lot as I don’t have access to the camps to make up for it,” she said.

Taapsee also said her contemporaries inspire her. She said that she is in awe of what Priyanka Chopra has achieved and the choices made by Anushka Sharma. “Look at Deepika Padukone, it’s not that she has faced controversies but see how elegantly she straddles this. For Alia Bhatt, we may say she has had things handed to her on a platter, but she is making the most of the opportunities.”

She also spoke about how women are tagged as ‘bimbos’ based on the roles they pick up. Criticising this assertion, she said, “No actress who is surviving today is a bimbo. The fact that they are leading ladies amid people who are calling the shots. They have sustained it for so many years, they for sure are not bimbos. Don’t judge them by the characters they play; they have their own reasons. They are really smart and surviving in an industry that can mentally trigger you. I also learnt that one should not judge one’s contemporary’s choices by saying ‘ye to bakwaas kaam kar rahi hai‘. She knows this is what she can do best, she is playing on her strengths.”

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