How do you envision your golden years? For many, it means traveling or just relaxing on sun-kissed beaches, free of the daily grind. Financial security, however, is crucial to a truly idyllic retirement.

The golden ticket to that blissful state used to be a final salary pension, but unfortunately, it no longer exists. Today, the pension landscape has radically changed. In place of final salary plans, defined contribution plans like 401(k)s have become more common. As of November 2023, 22% of non-retirees have defined benefit pensions.

In order to make the most of a final salary pension, it is crucial to understand its complexities. Let’s explore these coveted retirement plans over a cup of coffee — or whatever your favorite retirement beverage is.

Table of Contents


What is a Final Salary Pension?

In retirement, a final salary pension, as it’s commonly called across the pond in the UK, guarantees a fixed income for life. Here in the States, though, this is typically referred to as a defined benefit pension.

The amount of income you will receive depends on:

  • Salary
  • Tenue with the company
  • Age

Another factor is the accrual rate. This is how much your pension benefit increases as a member of a defined benefit (DB) plan. It usually comes as a fraction or percentage of a member’s pensionable salary. If the accrual rate is 1/60th (1.67%), a pension member will get 1/60th of their salary for every year of service.

If you have a final salary pension, it will also consider your retirement salary, or if you have a career average pension, the average salary throughout your membership.

In contrast to defined contribution pensions, your employer is responsible for ensuring that your pension has enough money to pay you an income when you retire.

Types of Defined Benefit Plans

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to DBPs. Each type caters to a different set of needs and circumstances. In a nutshell:

  • Single-employer DBPs. In these plans, employees receive benefits upon retirement based on their salary and service history.
  • Multi-employer DBPs. The term “multiemployer plan” refers to a pension plan created by unions and their employers. There is usually a connection between the employers, such as in construction or transportation. Employer and union trustees are equally represented on the board of trustees of multiemployer plans.
  • Government DBPs. As a benefit for government employees, these plans are typically well-funded and rich in benefits.

Defined Contribution vs. Defined Benefit Pensions

In most cases, there are two major types of employer-sponsored retirement plans: defined-benefit plans and defined-contribution plans.

Defined-benefit plans, also known as traditional pension plans, provide a set payment amount upon retirement. Employers are responsible for administering and funding it.

A defined contribution plan, by contrast, is an employer-sponsored retirement plan in which money is contributed regularly over time by either yourself or your employer. The most common types of defined contribution plans where employees make most of the contributions are 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and 457(b). It is also possible for employers to contribute to these plans. As with profit-sharing and money-purchase pensions, some defined contribution plans are funded entirely by employers.

A defined benefit plan generally guarantees a monthly payment or set lump sum payout. Payouts from defined contribution plans, however, are not guaranteed. In addition to employee contributions, underlying investments also play a role.

It has been suggested that defined benefit plans may be preferable because they provide greater certainty about retirement income. However, others claim that defined contribution plan retirees worry about running out of funds and poor investment returns.

How Are Pension Benefits Calculated?

In most cases, pension benefits are calculated by multiplying an average salary by a pension factor. Usually, the average salary represents the highest compensation received for two to five consecutive years. Typically, pension factors are 1.5% or 3%.

Suppose an employee worked 30 years and their final average salary was $75,000, then their pension would be $45k per year x 30 x 2%.

In addition to these factors, pension benefits may be based on:

  • An employee’s length of service.
  • The age of when an individual retires.
  • The final compensation.
  • Annual value of the pension.

In calculating employee benefits, defined benefit plans use different methods.

For example, the formula may reflect the employee’s average salary over the last three or five years. A flat dollar benefit, such as $900 a year, or an average salary for an employee’s entire career with the company, may also be offered.

With that in mind, you should check the calculation of your pension benefits if you’re eligible for one.

Tax breaks are generally available to employers when they contribute to these plans. Regardless of how the underlying investments perform, employers must also make guaranteed payments to beneficiaries.

The main difference between pension plans and 401(k)s is that pensions are guaranteed, while 401(k)s are not. Additionally, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) provides federal insurance coverage for most defined benefit plans, subject to certain limitations.

Defined Benefit Plan Payment Options

It is common for defined benefit plans to allow you to choose how you want to receive your benefits. There are a variety of payment options available, including:

  • Single-life annuities. A monthly payment is made to you for the rest of your life. Once you die, however, your survivors receive no further payments.
  • Joint and survivor annuities. A fixed monthly benefit is paid to you until your death; your surviving spouse continues to receive benefits (at least 50 percent of your benefit) until his or her own death.
  • A lump-sum payment. In the event of your death, you or your survivors will receive the full value of your plan as a lump sum.

You will typically receive lower monthly payments if you add more stipulations to your annuity. You’ll usually get the greatest benefit from annuity payments if you are in good health and expect to live a long time.

If you expect a short retirement and are in poor health, you may benefit from a lump sum payout. If you want to invest or buy your own annuity with a lump sum payment, you can do so.

An advisor who specializes in tax and financial planning may be able to help you make this decision since so much may depend on it.

Defined Benefit Plan Contribution Limits

In defined benefit plans, there are still annual contriubtion limits, even though employees generally have little control over their benefits.

The maximum annual benefit that can be provided by a defined benefit plan will be $275,000 on January 1, 2024. The annual benefit limit for a defined benefit plan in 2023 was $265,000.

Additionally, a participant’s annual benefit under a defined benefit plan cannot exceed one of the following:

  • Compensation equal to the participant’s average compensation for the last three calendar years
  • $275,000 for 2024

Income level is also considered when adjusting the contribution limit. For a business owner with a compensation average below $265,000, the $3.4 million limit may be reduced proportionally.

Benefits of a Final Salary Pension

Compared to other retirement plans, there are many advantages to final salary pensions or defined benefit pensions. Among the benefits to consider are:

An income that is guaranteed for life.

There is no doubt that this is the most valuable benefit.

An individual’s retirement income is guaranteed for life, as opposed to a defined contribution plan, which depends on the stock market’s performance. As a result, you can retire with peace of mind and financial security.

The ability to predict retirement income.

Your expenses and lifestyle can be planned according to the amount you’ll receive each year in retirement. A stable retirement plan can help you manage your budget and ensure a comfortable retirement.

Protection against inflation.

Many final salary pensions adjust the yearly pensions to keep pace with inflation. Doing this protects you from rising living costs throughout your retirement.

Reduced investment risk.

There is no need to worry about market volatility or investment decisions. To guarantee your promised benefits, your employer manages the plan’s assets.

The employer contributes to the plan.

Most employers contribute significantly more than employees to these plans, making them significantly beneficial. Compared to solely relying on personal contributions, this effectively boosts your retirement savings.

A tax advantage.

You may be able to deduct your contributions to a final salary pension from your current tax liabilities. In addition, you may be able to claim a tax-free pension income upon retirement.

Longevity protection.

In some final salary pension plans, you may be entitled to survivor benefits if you die ahead of your spouse or dependents. If you pass away, your loved ones can benefit from financial security.

Drawbacks of a Final Salary Pension

Final salary pensions offer numerous benefits, but they also have some disadvantages that should be considered.


There are fewer and fewer of these plans, particularly in the private sector. Increasingly, employers are switching to defined contribution plans, thereby putting the onus on employees to invest.

Employer risk.

The employer manages your final salary pension and ensures there’s enough money to pay future pensions, in contrast to defined contribution pensions, where you save your own money.

Consequently, if the employer experiences financial difficulties or goes bankrupt, the pension plan may be affected, potentially affecting your payouts or even causing them to cease.

Limited portability.

If you change jobs, it can be difficult to transfer your final salary pension benefits. As a result, you may lose pension benefits if you don’t stay with the same employer for a long period of time.

Lack of control.

In final salaries, you have limited control over investment decisions. For example, you cannot choose how your contributions will be invested, potentially limiting your earnings.

Lower flexibility.

There is usually a defined contribution schedule and a defined payout structure for final salary pensions. A defined contribution pension offers more flexibility, allowing you to decide when and how to retire.

Your benefit cannot be increased.

Benefit formulas are set, so employees can’t increase their retirement income. Employees can invest more aggressively or contribute more money in defined contribution plans. IRAs can, however, be used by those with defined benefit plans to increase their retirement savings.

Early retirement penalties.

A final salary often imposes penalties on early retirement, reducing the value of your pension.

Transfer considerations.

Tax implications may arise when converting a final salary pension to a defined contribution plan. Before making any such decisions, you should seek professional financial advice.

The Current State of Final Salary Pensions

We are far from the golden era of final salary pensions. Increasing costs and economic uncertainty have led many employers to abandon these plans. However, some final salary pensions are still available, especially in the public sector and specific industries such as finance and energy.

It is important to recognize, however, that these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and adaptation. For retirement planning to succeed, individuals must understand the risks and benefits of these plans.

Final Thoughts

Despite their fading status, final salary pensions remain an irresistible lure. Despite their limitations, they are a valuable option for many due to their guaranteed income and potential for high payouts. Do your research, weigh the pros and cons, and remember, a secure and happy retirement is within your reach, no matter what route you choose.


1. What is a defined benefit pension?

When you retire from your employer’s DB pension plan, you will receive a set monthly benefit. Based on your years of service, final salary, and a predetermined formula, you may be eligible for this benefit.

The employer is responsible for ensuring sufficient funds for your benefit, unlike 401(k)s, where you directly manage the investments.

2. How do I know if I have a defined benefit pension?

Ask your Human Resources department or check your employee handbook. Fewer DB plans are available nowadays, but some public schools, government agencies, and unionized workplaces still provide them.

3. How are benefits calculated?

A benefit multiplier (e.g., 2%) is typically multiplied by your final average salary and years of service. The monthly benefit will be $2,083.33 if you have 25 years of service and a final salary of $50,000.

4. When can I start receiving benefits?

Some DB plans allow early retirement with reduced benefits, but the usual retirement age is 65. Additionally, you must meet vesting requirements, which means earning enough years to earn a non-forfeitable right to your accrued benefits.

5. What happens if my employer goes bankrupt?

In the event that an employer goes bankrupt, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) protects participants’ pensions. It is possible, however, that the PBGC may not be able to guarantee the full amount of your benefits.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Anna Nekrashevich; Pexels

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