The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war shows no signs of ending soon, with daily reports of devastation emerging from the battlefield. The conflict has now encroached on residential areas, affecting ordinary citizens. A recent video has surfaced, capturing footage of a Ukrainian drone striking a residential building in Saratov. The attack bears a chilling resemblance to the way planes collided with the World Trade Centre during the 9/11 attacks.

The Russian regional health ministry told Sputnik, "Four people were injured after a drone attack on the Russian city of Saratov, including one woman who was hospitalised in serious condition.".

"One woman was hospitalised in serious condition in one of the medical institutions of the city of Saratov. Three injured persons received assistance on the spot," it said.

Several social media handles shared a video on X, showing the aftermath of a drone strike on a high-rise apartment building in Saratov. The attack caused significant damage and disrupted air travel in the region.

Watch the video here:

In Saratov and Engels in Russia, two building were hit by (Ukrainian) drones. Four loud explosions were also reportedly heard by residents.

— raging545 (@raging545) August 26, 2024

Temporary restrictions on the arrival and departure of aircraft were introduced at the Saratov international airport "Gagarin" after the drone attack on the region, the airport's press service told Sputnik.

रूस की 38 मंजिला इमारत पर हुए हमले की जवाबी कार्रवाई में रूस ने यूक्रेन के कई शहरों पर हमला किया है।

क्या रूस यह सही कर रहा है ?

— Ankit Avasthi Sir 🇮🇳 (@ankitavasthi01) August 26, 2024

Earlier, Saratov Region Governor Roman Busargin said that debris from destroyed drones had hit residential buildings in Saratov and neighbouring Engels, adding that one woman was hospitalised in serious condition.

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