Actor Rakul Preet Singh has been in the news for a few days. The Chattriwali actor is rumored to get married to long-time beau Jackky Bhagnani in February this year. As per reports, Rakul and Jackky will be taking the plunge on February 22 in Goa. The couple was also spotted offering prayers at the Ram Mandir replica rath in Mumbai last week. Another big feat for Rakul lately has been that she completed a decade in Bollywood.

The actor recently spoke to India Today about her 10 years in Bollywood. She said, “I am very content with where I am today. Being an industry outsider, I didn’t know initially how to go about things, but then I’m grateful that things worked out for me.”

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Rakul Preet Singh also spoke about her soon-to-be husband Jackky Bhagnani. She shared how their emotional compatibility helps her professionally too. Rakul explained, “I was single for the longest time, but having a partner is a very natural process. Unfortunately, there is a lot of speculation if you are a part of the film industry. But at the core, we are all human beings who crave emotional compatibility and dependency. Even though I’m a very independent girl, there are days when I just want to rant to Jackky on my off days. But he understands my professional space since he belongs to the same industry and that lets me be very vulnerable with him as a woman. Having that emotional balance impacts what I do professionally.”


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Though she did not comment on reports of their marriage, Raku spoke in detail about how she likes to maintain a work-life balance with Jackky. “Jackky and I don’t discuss work all the time. We like to maintain that balance. We both are workaholics and love fitness too. So our conversations are mainly about workouts, food, health, and fitness. We both usually work twelve hours a day, but then we only get that one hour to be with each other and we consciously choose not to discuss work. Largely because if we both start talking about our work issues, then we won’t have that human connection. We like to be like any other normal couple who enjoy doing things together.”

Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani made their relationship official in 2021 on the Chhatriwali actor’s birthday.

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