A day after director Prasanth Varma shared a cryptic post on X (formerly Twitter), which many interpreted as a veiled dig at actor Ranveer Singh, the HanuMan helmer has now addressed the matter to clarify the situation. On Monday morning, Varma posted on X, “One day you realise every rejection was a blessing in disguise!” Many netizens quickly assumed the post was directed at Singh.

For the unversed, Varma and Singh were supposed to collaborate on a project backed by Pushpa franchise producers Mythri Movie Makers. Although the project was never officially announced, in May they jointly announced their separation citing “creative differences.” The project, reportedly titled Rakshas, is currently on hold. Given the timing of the tweet shortly after this announcement, speculation that it was aimed at Singh was understandable.

Varma, however, asserted that his post was “definitely not targetted at anyone”. “It was a very generic feeling I had in the morning and I thought about posting it. I was thinking about the overall journey. Had people not rejected me in my initial years, I wouldn’t have ended up making Hanu-Man. I was feeling grateful because had I done any of the films that I had previously pitched to other actors, had I done those films, Hanu-Man would have never happened,” he told Hindustan Times.

“I try to put up posts to inspire people. That sentence is almost like a quote from which anyone can take inspiration. But on social media only 10 per cent, I think, got inspired and the remaining 90 per cent are trying to (baselessly) connect the dots. It had been quite a while I hadn’t posted anything because whatever you post gets interpreted in a number of ways and you cannot control it. A lot of times I don’t post anything [out of the fear] of being misinterpreted,” Varma pointed out.

In the joint statement they issued over a month ago, Ranveer said, “Prasanth is a very special talent. We met and explored the idea of a film together. Hopefully we will collaborate on something exciting in the future.” The filmmaker, meanwhile, noted, “Ranveer’s energy and talent is rare to find. We shall manifest our forces combining soon sometime in the future.”

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