Though three weeks have passed since the debut of director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s first-ever streaming series, the period drama Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, it remains a hot topic, with the show or its cast and crew frequently making headlines. While Bhansali earned praise for Heeramandi’s detailed production design, the show has also received immense criticism for its perceived glorification of non-consensual sex, glamourisation of women’s sufferings and aestheticisation of their pain. Actor Sharmin Segal found herself facing the bulk of the backlash for her perceived poor performance which many described as emotionless and flat. She muted comments on her social media, and hasn’t participated in post-release interviews.

Now, a clip from a group interview featuring Sharmin and her Heeramandi co-star Aditi Rao Hydari arguing about acting has gone viral, with many netizens noting that Aditi seemed visibly annoyed by Sharmin’s comments.

During a panel interview with Entertainment LIVE, Sharmin claimed, “Actor ki jaat insecure hoti hai (Actors are inherently insecure),” which immediately sparked disagreement from Aditi. “No, but actors are human beings,” she said, cutting off Sharmin. The latter, however, continued, disregarding Aditi’s words: “If you’re not insecure, I mean, let’s leave Sona (Sonakshi Sinha) out of this because Sona is the most secure person I know. But genuinely, insecurity main bhi koi jaadu hoti hai (There is some magic in insecurity too).” While Sonakshi broke into laughter as Sharmin was speaking, Aditi appeared vexed and drained. “No no, insecurity is horrible. No, I don’t like it,” Aditi asserted.


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Meanwhile, both Sharmin’s comments on acting and Aditi and Sonakshi’s reactions have elicited responses from netizens, mostly targeting Sharmin, who happens to be Bhansali’s niece.

“Aditi’s eyeroll and ‘chalo chhod deti hoon‘ expression 💀💀,” one user commented under the video which surfaced on a popular subreddit. “I just know they all have a group chat without Sharmin,” another netizen quipped. Heeramandi was released on May 1.

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