Ukraine's foreign ministry has introduced a virtual artificial intelligence spokesperson to give updates on various issues, including the ongoing war with Russia. According to Kyiv Post, the consular representative called Victoria Shi is based on the likeness of Ukrainian singer and influencer Rosalie Nombre who agreed to participate in the ministry's project. A video of the virtual spokesperson has been posted by the ministry on X (formerly Twitter), where it said that comments from her will appear on the MFA's official website and social media platforms.

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"Meet Victoria Shi - a digital representative of the MFA of Ukraine, created using AI to provide timely updates on consular affairs! For the first time in history, the MFA of Ukraine has presented a digital persona that will officially comment for the media," the ministry said on X.

👋 Meet Victoria Shi — a digital representative of the MFA of Ukraine, created using AI to provide timely updates on consular affairs!

For the first time in history, the MFA of Ukraine has presented a digital persona that will officially comment for the media.

— MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 (@MFA_Ukraine) May 1, 2024

In a press release, the ministry said that Ms Nombre agreed to the use of her voice and likeness "pro bono".

"My name symbolises our main goal - the victory of Ukraine, and my last name - the artificial intelligence that created me. My work will consist of reporting operational and verified information of the consular department of the MFA of Ukraine to the public," Shi says in the teaser video.

"I will inform journalists of news about the work of consuls in protecting the rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens abroad, responding to incidents or emergency situations and other news," the virtual representative further said.

Kyiv Post quoted the ministry as saying that it has taken several initiatives to ensure there is no digital counterfeiting, including QR codes.

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The decision has been taken to cut down time and resources to facilitate processes during wartime, the ministry further said.

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