There, you are attempting to save money, pay off debt, and live a simpler lifestyle. However, every time you attempt to set a budget, you get an email reminding you of an unbeatable sale or decide that you could use that new Expresso maker. It has happened to all of us at some point, so do not become too hard on yourself.

In addition, our brains release dopamine and endorphins whenever we purchase something new.

As a result, many of us accumulate more possessions than we need, and we waste money. Several studies emphasize this point.

  • In a survey by Ladder and OnePoll, reported by Vox, Americans spend $18,000 per year on nonessentials.
  • Ramsey Solutions estimates that Americans spend $3,768 each year on impulse purchases.
  • Year-over-year, retail sales rose 5.6% in 2023.
  • 21% of Americans will spend money on a self-storage unit, with 40% saying they can’t find enough space at home.

There’s no wonder, according to the Motley Fool, 95% of respondents believe Americans spend more than they should

In the end, besides the credit card bill, this clutter can weigh us down mentally and physically. If you plan on saving money, though, downsizing might just be the answer.

Table of Contents


The Financial Benefits of Downsizing

Downsizing doesn’t mean giving up everything you love or living in deprivation. It’s about reshaping your spending habits to focus on what matters. The end game is finding sustainable, smart ways to indulge in the joy of shopping.

Moreover, when you downsize your life, you can experience the following financial advantages:

  • Housing costs are reduced. In terms of finances, living in a smaller space has the biggest advantages. Whether you rent, own, or downsize to a smaller home, you will likely see a significant reduction in housing costs. In turn, you’ll have more money each month, freeing up funds to spend on other things.
  • Reduced utility bills. A smaller space requires less energy to heat, cool, and light. Furthermore, you’ll use less water and pay less for trash collection. Over time, these seemingly small savings add up to save you money.
  • There is less maintenance and upkeep. You will spend less money and time on repairs and replacements by having fewer belongings. You could save lots of time and money if you didn’t have to maintain a sprawling yard or fix a leaky faucet in a seldom-used guest bathroom.
  • Curb impulse spending. It is possible to limit impulse purchases by living with less. When fewer items are around you, you’re less likely to make unnecessary purchases, saving you money and reducing clutter.

Besides these financial advantages, other benefits include:

  • Increased space. By reducing clutter, you can create a more spacious, airy living space that promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
  • Simplified life. Less stuff means less cleaning, organizing, and decision fatigue, which means more time and mental energy for what really matters.
  • Environmental impact. You can reduce your carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable lifestyle by consuming less and reusing or donating items.

Saving Money by Downsizing

Do you want to downsize financially? Is it time to get rid of excess items and debt? Would you like to live a leaner lifestyle? If so, consider the following ideas as a next step:

Decide what you value and what you need.

Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you before decluttering. Here are some questions to guide you:

  • Which activities make me happy and fulfilled?
  • Do I have possessions that I use regularly and value highly?
  • Is there anything I can’t live without?

You’ll be better positioned to make informed decisions if you understand your needs and values.

Redefine “enough.”

Do you have everything you need or want? Have you got “enough?”

“Modern culture is built on socially persuading everyone to need more because you deserve it,” states Kacey Bradley, a lifestyle blogger for The Drifter Collective. “Keeping a possession current, relevant, and functional requires upgrading or updating it.” You spend more for comfort, but are you comfortable? Is it enough?

“For your personal sanity, redefine what enough really means to you: financially, physically, emotionally, morally, and more,” adds Bradley. “Forget everyone else’s definition of “enough.” You are enough.”

Journal and visualize.

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can use. After all, the process involves envisioning what life you’d like to lead after downsizing and simplifying.

Imagine living in a clutter-free environment, finding financial freedom, and having more time to do the things you love. Describe this life in writing once you have a clear picture.

In particular, you should keep a journal to write out your vision in detail. Describe how you’ll spend your time, how you’ll manage your finances, and your ideal living space. Not only will this exercise inspire you, but it will also provide you with a clear vision of where you want to go.

Additionally, whenever you feel overwhelmed or face a challenge, refer back to your journal.

Declutter with intention.

Your chances of success will increase if you have a practical intention about what you want to accomplish. As a result, you’ll have a better idea of how to improve next time if things don’t go as planned.

To help you achieve your intention, here are some effective decluttering methods:

  • The KonMari Method. If an item no longer brings you joy, thank it for its service and let it go.
  • The One-Year Rule. You should consider letting go of something if you haven’t used it in a year.
  • The Category Approach. You should focus on one category at a time, such as clothes, books, or electronics.
  • The Emotional Declutter. Remember that letting go of certain items can be liberating, even if you have an emotional attachment to them.

As you review how or if you meet your intentions, remember that setting the intention serves as a guide for what you want to accomplish. By not reviewing your intentions for a day, week, month, or so on, you may save yourself the discomfort of looking back at failed goals.

Take advantage of different disposal methods.

After identifying items that need to be decluttered, take into consideration these options:

  • Sell. You can earn extra income by selling your stuff on online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, local consignment shops, or having a garage sale.
  • Donate. You can donate the items you no longer want to keep to charities, shelters, or community organizations that can benefit from them. Additionally, you can get a tax break for your charitable gifts if you itemize your deductions. If you donate items to charity, you must keep track of their value to file an IRS tax return. To qualify, donated clothing and household goods must be “in good used condition.”
  • Recycle or trash. Last, you can dispose of items responsibly by following local guidelines.

Reduce the size of your living space.

Depending on your situation, downsizing your living space could be a good decision financially. For instance, you can save a lot of money by moving to a smaller space or a less expensive neighborhood.

Similarly, your property taxes and maintenance costs should decrease, as should your rent or mortgage payment. Furthermore, your utility bills may be lower because you will have less space to heat and cool in the winter and summer.

If you want to reduce the size of your living space, you could do the following:

  • Move into a smaller and more affordable apartment or house.
  • Rent out a room or unused long-term or short-term space via Airbnb for a passive income.
  • Living a minimalist lifestyle in your current residence. Or, to put it another way, intentionally living with fewer possessions.

It is important to remember that downsizing your living space is a personal decision. As such, consider the financial and lifestyle implications carefully before taking drastic measures.

Think minimalistically.

Getting rid of stuff is only half of downsizing; it’s about adopting a minimalist mindset as well. To help you, here are some tips:

  • Cut out non-essential expenses from your budget. Downsizing financially involves learning and respecting wants vs needs. You don’t have to Uber everywhere when you can walk or take public transportation. It is also possible to skip going out and cook more at home. Also, you don’t need to subscribe to every streaming service.
  • Resist impulse purchases. Consider whether you need and will use an item before you purchase it.
  • Embrace experiences over possessions. Spend your money on activities and memories that will bring you joy instead of material things.
  • Be mindful of your consumption. Avoid unnecessary waste by buying only what you need.

Streamline your finances and automate your savings.

If you want to simplify your finances, you should consolidate your bank accounts, loans, and credit cards as follows:

  • You can consolidate several credit cards into one with a lower interest rate. This can also help you get out debt.
  • The Department of Education allows you to consolidate multiple federal student loans into one loan. As an alternative, you can refinance multiple federal and private loans into a single, new private loan.
  • If you have multiple bank accounts, merge them. This will allow you to see at a glance how much money you have, how much debt you have, and where your money goes. In addition, it will help you stay on top of payments, which can help you avoid late fees.

The next step is to automate your savings. Consider setting up a direct deposit from your paycheck for savings. Each month, this keeps a portion of your income in savings before you spend it. When you automate your savings, you commit to saving regularly, which allows you to live a smaller, more financially streamlined life.

Additionally, set up automatic payments, also known as automatic bill payments, to withdraw funds from your bank account automatically. These can be used to pay credit cards, mortgages, and utility bills, as well as recurring bills. By not having to remember to pay numerous bills, you avoid late fees.

Create a more streamlined digital space.

Organizing and streamlining your digital space is known as digital decluttering. In addition to reducing stress, it can save you money as well.

A few strategies for digital decluttering are listed below:

  • Audit your digital footprint. Check each platform, app, and account you use actively or passively. If you aren’t using any, remove them.
  • Limit apps. Make sure files on your home screen are moved or deleted to the correct folder. You should also delete unused apps from your phone.
  • Organize files. To organize your files, create folders. You should give your files logical names and organize them in logical folders.
  • Clean up your inbox. Be sure to unsubscribe from unwanted emails. In addition to keeping your inbox clean, this can reduce impulse buying.
  • Review bookmarks. If any bookmarks are unnecessary, delete them from your browser.
  • Back up files. Check for duplicate files and back up your files.
  • Minimize or close tabs. If you don’t need any browser tabs, close or minimize them.
  • Clean up your desktop. Instead of viewing your files as graphical icons, view them as a list.

Make your habits and routines simpler.

Lastly, simplifying your habits and routines can reduce stress and improve your quality of life. To get started, follow these tips:

Declutter your day.

  • Start with routines. Review your mornings, evenings, work, meals, and exercise. Is there anything you can streamline? For instance, you could prepare Sunday meals, saving you time throughout the week.
  • Identify draining habits. Are you being robbed of your joy by endless scrolling? Instead, boost your well-being by reading, learning something new, or exercising.

Small actions have a big impact.

  • Conquer the clutter. A tidy space leads to a calmer mind. Invest a few minutes daily in cleaning surfaces, putting things away, and avoiding clutter.
  • Plan ahead. Preparing meals or setting aside “unwind time” can prevent last-minute impulse decisions, like ordering takeout.

Prioritize yourself.

  • Sleep well, eat right, and move often. A healthy, simplified life begins with a good night’s sleep, nutritious meals, and regular exercise.
  • Don’t forget leisure. Whether reading, spending time with family, or exploring a new hobby, make time for activities you enjoy. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Final Words of Advice

By downsizing your life, you can achieve financial freedom, more space, and a more fulfilling lifestyle. If you follow these steps and adopt a minimalist mindset, you can live a simpler, more meaningful life.

If you want to increase your chances of success, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much at once. Start small and build momentum instead. You can also stay motivated with the help of friends and family. And don’t forget to acknowledge your accomplishments and enjoy the benefits of living simply.


Why downsize?

Do you have any particular reasons for wanting to live with less? Do you want more financial freedom, less clutter, more simplicity, or something else? You can make better decisions if you know your “why.”

Is there a certain amount you would like to downsize?

That depends. As a starting point, though, consider a smaller home, fewer possessions, or reduced expenses.

How do I decide if downsizing is right for me?

  • Consider your current living situation, future plans, and financial goals.
  • Consider how attached you are to your possessions and how much space you need.
  • Take a moment to evaluate how comfortable you are with change and adapting to a new environment.

How can I save money while downsizing?

  • Negotiate moving costs. Check the prices of multiple movers and consider alternative options, such as renting a truck or using a friend or family member.
  • Sell unused items. You can hold a garage sale, use online marketplaces, or consign your items to local shops.
  • Downsize subscriptions and utilities. Consider switching to a lower-cost utility plan and canceling unused subscriptions.
  • Embrace minimalism. Ensure you only buy what you need and use, and avoid impulse purchases.

What are some common challenges, and how can I overcome them?

  • Emotional attachment. Focus on memories and experiences instead of possessions when letting go of sentimental items.
  • Downsizing guilt. It is possible to get rid of clutter and unnecessary burdens by downsizing.
  • Finding a new place. Don’t rush into decisions; do your research and consider your priorities, such as location and amenities.

Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels

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