Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding festivities concluded on Thursday. The Ambani family hosted Bollywood celebrities such as Shah Rukh Khan and his family, Salman Khan, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, global business tycoons such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the Adanis, and more. While Rihanna’s performance kick-started the celebrations, it was SRK, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan‘s performance that enthralled all the guests. Several videos from the three-day function have surfaced on social media.

In one video that recently appeared online, Mukesh Ambani addresses his guests and welcomes SRK on stage by sharing how close the actor is to his family. He is heard saying, “Since Anant was a boy, he has had a godfather,’ Mukesh then his wife, Nita, to invite SRK on stage. Watch video:

Mukesh Ambani : “Since childhood Anant has a Godfather & it’s Shah Rukh Khan”#ShahRukhKhan #AnantRadhikaPreWedding#MukeshAmbani

— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) March 7, 2024

Shah Rukh was a good sport at the three-day event, which took place at Jamnagar in Gujarat. In one of the videos shared online, the Pathaan actor is seen addressing the crowd and enticing them with his charm.

Shah Rukh Khan speaking in Gujarati to Jamnagar is the most heartwarming sight you’ll see today ♥️✨ @iamSRK #SRK #ShahRukhKhan

— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) March 6, 2024

Kyunki main Shah Rukh hun, mujhe yahan sab ladies zyada sundar lag rahi hain (Because I am Shah Rukh Khan, I am finding all the ladies very beautiful here),” he said, as he interacted with the audience. He spoke with the crowd in Gujarati and started with a disclaimer, “If I make a mistake, it’s everyone else’s fault, but if I speak correctly, then it’s my intelligence.”

After wrapping the pre-wedding festivities of Anant and Radhika, the Ambani family returned to Mumbai on Thursday. The couple will tie the knot in July.

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